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Tips for Caring for Vagina After Childbirth

Normal childbirth may cause some changes or complaints in the vagina. Come, see tips on caring for the vagina after childbirth following to overcome complaints and discomfort. Women who give birth normally may complain of several conditions in the vagina, such as pain, numbness, swelling, dryness, or feeling more loose. These changes and complaints are caused by pressure on the vaginal area when the baby passes through the birth canal.

Changes in the vagina and how to overcome them

Here are some changes and complaints in the vagina after giving birth and things you can do to overcome them:

1. Vaginal pain

Shortly after giving birth, your vagina may feel painful and swollen. To overcome this condition, you can cold compress the vaginal area. How, wrap ice cubes with a cloth, then stick to the vaginal area for 10-20 minutes. These complaints will usually disappear about 1-3 months after delivery.

2. Vagina dry

Decreased levels of the hormone estrogen after childbirth can reduce vaginal fluid production and make the vagina feel dry. This condition may interfere with your sexual activity. To deal with vaginal dryness, do the following:
  • Drink water to keep the body.
  • Extend foreplay time before sex.
  • Use water-based vaginal lubricant products during sex.
  • Apply moisturizer to the vagina.

3. Loose vaginal opening

Looser vaginal holes are usually caused by stretching the pelvic floor muscles due to childbirth. To help tighten the muscles at the base of the pelvis, you can do Kegel exercises. The way to do Kegel exercises is the same as when you are trying to hold back urination. At the beginning of the exercise, do it slowly and avoid tightening more than 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times in each set of exercises. Kegel exercises can be done as much as 4-6 sets every day.

4. Sutures in the vaginal area or episiotomy

If during delivery you get stitches in the vaginal area, treat the wound to stay clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection in the vaginal area. Ways that can be done are:
  • Take a shower at least once a day to help keep the stitches clean.
  • Change pads regularly. Don't forget to wash your hands before and after replacing them.
  • Leave the stitches exposed to the air and not allow it. To make the stitches dry faster and not be subjected to friction or excessive pressure, use cotton and loose underwear.

5. Pain in stitches

In addition to pain in the vagina, you can also feel pain in the suture wound. To overcome this, do the following ways:
  • Compress the suture area for 30 minutes with a cold compress. Repeat 1 hour later if it still is
  • Always bring a bottle of warm water mixed with antiseptic. This liquid can be used for final rinsing after urinating or defecating.
  • Mix antiseptic solution with warm water, and use it to soak the vaginal area. This method can reduce pain in the suture wound and keep it clean.
  • If the stitches hurt when sitting, place a soft pillow under the buttocks.
  • When defecating, do not push too hard. To avoid constipation or difficult bowel movements, multiply the consumption of fibrous foods and drink enough water.
  • Perform Kegel exercises regularly to increase blood flow to the suture area and speed up the healing process.
  • If the pain gets worse, take anti-pain medications, such as paracetamol. However, consult your doctor before consuming it.
You can do tips on caring for the vagina after giving birth as described above. However, if changes in the vagina after childbirth are felt more and more disturbing, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and the right treatment.


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